Saturday, 9 July 2016

Hi everyone, awakened by the Orange Lodge toots and flutes and boom booms this morning, which frightened the cat. I'm taking this as a day off because Jonah Service is done. You can always tinker and make wee changes right up till 11 o'clock on a Sunday, but I try not to do this. If I haven't said it by now........ to Strathaven ( God willing) for a swim and a steam room to relax. Daughter 2 is asleep and Daughter 1 gone to Boots to work a Saturday shift. She forgot one of her medications so Dad will take these over to her...fetching and carrying never stops with your offspring whatever their age!
Wee PS on the DayOff...Locums ( like what I am) are usually paid for doing Sundays and two days a week ( or one day) However, as  serving Deacon, we just do what needs to be done. Most weeks I do way more than two days a week..but it's a joy and responsibility to the flock of The Good Shepherd.

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