Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Message in a Bottle

...Captain's Log June 21st....
Have been cocooned away from the world for 2 days and nights- n ot adrift on the ocean in a bottle, but in Musselburgh for annual "Deacins Meetins and Greetins" i.e Diaconate Council. Superb fun,and  fellowship with family. that is honestly how I feel, afgter being about 15 years around Deacons. active and retired.
I sensed a new spirit among us, a spirit of movement into the 21st century...we are no longer harking back to a bygone era but sprinting via Facebook and other technologies into a more modern and even more relevant variety of ministries and teams throughout Scotland.
Downers: Assumptions made by central committees and Councils that we are "in the know" about certain new developments, and at times; feeling patronised by those folks who are paid/ valued more highly than us.
Uppers: laughter, more free time with each other for cheese and whines. ...keeping on keeping on and growing in resilience as we have, and continue to persevere against many odds....

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