Monday 20 February 2017

Are you too busy to blog???

There's a book on one of my full-to- the- brim bookcases, called "Too Busy to Pray?" That question mark says it really means the reader IS too busy to pray but wants to do something about it. (In my case my prayer life is often conducted out of doors at bus stops while waiting for a bus or train ( obviously NOT at a bus stop !?)
But I am too busy to takes time, and something exciting happening to be worth saying.
Well here I am on Monday Feb 20th 2017, telling you I had a brilliant day!
About 11.30 I got on the train to central Glasgow. Of course I prayed while at the train station ( see above). Enjoyed the walk though George Square to Queen Street Station  ( another chance to p...y)
When I got off at Alexandra Parade, I got chatting to a guy on two sticks who was having difficulty climbing the steps, and there was no lift. he told me he had a cancerous brain tumour which had caused him to lose his sense of balance. ( by the way, a minister friend of mine once said, that after the bible and a newspaper, we church leader types should all get a medical dictionary. He was right...I've learnt SO much about the human body and ailments from pastoral care) I told him what I did and promised to pray for him as I ran for the Number 38 bus to take me up to Riddrie.
Then I touted my tickets for our Spring Fundraising Concert around the shops in Smithycroft Road and sold 3...( see my facebook page for details) On to Carntyne Primary 7 class who listened to me sharing about my father being nearly caught up in the Holocaust and about my dead relatives who were taken to Aushwitz. I could say they were rapt, but since their teacher AND a trainee teacher were in the room...I guess not.
Off to meet Russell Robertson a local Councillor whom I'd arranged to meet in Rowan's Coffee Shop. He paid for my coffee. ( I know , I began to think why? Does he have a hidden agenda?)
Turns out we had much in common- namely that Partnership is the way ahead for church and community workers. Know your patch, the kind of houses your folks live in, what they are concerned about, work hard at networking etc. It was a mutually beneficial time. RR also had met with a local " mover and shaker"/gatekeeper  that I had not in my 6 months managed to contact and meet. next time RR will invite me when he meets ??
So that was my day.... how was yours? I am thanking God's Holy Spirit for His help and the way He makes all the connections!